The cervix and cancer


The cervix is the narrow, lower part of the uterus. The cervix has an opening to the endocervical canal. This opening lets blood flow from the uterus into the vagina during a woman’s menstrual period. During childbirth, the cervix opens much wider to let the baby pass through.  The surface lining of the cervix is made up of two different types of cells:  Tall cells, called glandular cells (or columnar cells)are present toward the top of the endocervical canal (above the cervix). They make mucus, which helps guard the entrance to the uterus.  Thin, flat cells, called squamous epithelial cells (or squamous cells) are arranged in layers, they protect the tissues underneath them.

Cervical cells can go through many types of changes such as inflammation (redness and swelling), a (bacterial, viral or yeast) infection, growths such as cysts or polyps, even hormonal changes from pregnancy or menopause can cause the cells to look abnormal.  Your primary health care provider will determine how often a Pap test is necessary for you.  HPV (human papillomavirus)is the most important cause of and risk factor for cervical cancer. Studies have shown that other factors may act together with HPV to increase your risk of developing cervical cancer. These factors include cigarette smoking and having given birth to many children. Also, if you have a weak immune system, you may be at higher risk because your body may not be able to clear up HPV on its own.  A vaccine is available for females ages 9 to 26.
Cell Changes Caused by HPV Are a Special Concern

Some cell changes are a sign of a certain viral infection called HPV (. In most women, HPV infections go away on their own. Sometimes, the cells infected with HPV will become precancerous. These precancerous cells can become cervical cancer (called invasive cancer of the cervix). They can grow and spread, invading nearby tissues and possibly spreading throughout the body. An HPV test, which is done much like a Pap test, can detect the virus in cervical cells.

What is HPV?
• It is a very common virus.
• There are more than 100 types.
• About 15 types can cause cervical cancer.
• Some types cause warts on the fingers or feet but do not cause cancer.
• Other types cause warts in the genital area that are not cancerous.
Other Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer
What Should I Know About HPV Infection?


How Women Get HPV
Almost all HPV that affects the cervix is spread by sex (through intimate genital to genital contact including vaginal or anal intercourse, finger to genital contact, and finger to anal contact). It is rarely spread through oral sex. You are at higher risk of getting HPV if:
• You have had more than one sex partner, or
• Your sex partner(s) has had other partners.
If your health care provider finds you have HPV, your sex partner(s) should also get checked. They usually will have no symptoms. For more information about HPV and how to protect yourself, see the Resources section.

How Can I Tell if I Have HPV? And What Can Happen to Me if I Have It?
Most women with HPV of the cervix do not know they have it. Most of the time, it does not cause any symptoms. Certain types of HPV can cause warts on the outside of the genitals, but the only way to know for sure whether you have HPV is by seeing your health care provider.

Almost all HPV infections clear up on their own. Many women with HPV will have cell changes at least briefly within a few months to a year after getting the virus. Most types of HPV do not lead to cancer. But if HPV does not go away, you are more at risk of developing a precancerous change that needs to be treated. It is best to see your health care provider on a regular basis.


How Is an HPV Infection Treated?
Although HPV itself cannot be treated, the cell changes that it causes can be treated. Simple treatments that remove or destroy the cells may prevent cancer. This is why regular pelvic exams and Pap tests are important, along with care for cell changes.

If I Have HPV and It Goes Away, Can I Get It Again?
If you or your partner has HPV, you will share it until your bodies’ immune systems get rid of the infection. If you have sex only with each other, you will not pass the HPV virus back and forth. This is because when the HPV goes away, the immune system will remember that HPV type and keep you from getting it again. Even though you are protected from one type of HPV, you are not protected from getting the many other types of HPV.


There are many questions to answer regarding the VPH virus and the risks of cancer, early detection, prevention and treatment, these questions will be answered in the next issue of HOLA AMERICA, don’t miss out.

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