Posada Time is Here


Quad City families gatheposadasred on Saturday, Dec. 17 at the Moline Club, 513 ½ 16th St. Moline, for a Christmas Posada party presented by Casa Guanajuato and organized by community volunteers.  Children were given the traditional “aginaldo” (a bag with fruit and candy) while the adults sipped on hot chocolate and “ponche” and enjoyed delicious tamales.  People were also entered into raffles where the prizes ranged from turkeys and hams to certificates for haircuts and much more.  The event was free of charge to everyone.  Sonido Camaney kept the music going in this family event that went from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The highlight of the event was the breaking of the piñatas as kids lined up while their mothers pushed to get their children a change to hit the piñata.  The colorful star-shaped piñatas represent the guiding star that led the Three Kings to baby Jesus.The posada is a religious and social celebration commemorating the journey Joseph and Mary made to Bethlehem in search of a shelter.  Posada basically means lodging in Spanish, Joseph and Mary needed a place to for rest, and in Mexico people dress up and recreate this journey by going from house to house carrying lit candles, singing and asking for shelter.  Whole neighborhoods or blocks join in the recreation where at the specified home opens its doors to the group of individuals and then they all begin to party.

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