Federal Immigration Bill, Taken Off The Senate Floor


S.1348 a bill to provide comprehensive immigration reform was withdrawn on June 7, 2007 because the bill did not have enough support to be called to a vote. Sixty votes out of one hundred were needed for the senators to vote on the bill but came short with only forty five senators in favor of the bill.
S.1348 would have given legal status to approximately 12 million undocumented workers after a rigorous process that included paying a $5,000 fine and the head of household leaving the country for a year. In order to obtain citizenship in the United States, the undocumented would have to learn English.
“It is utterly unacceptable for the Senate to fail to address the issue of comprehensive immigration reform,” said Janet Murguía, National Council of La Raza President and CEO said in a press release. “The country demands
and deserves a solution to our broken immigration system, and it is unthinkable that the Senate would fail to move the debate forward.”
The bill had an usual list of supporters with Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Republican President George W. Bush putting their political differences aside to both support the bill. Even with what some are calling the bill’s death both are teaming up to bring back the bill in the near future. President Bush on June 11 declared that he would convince his Republican party of supporting the bill.
Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said that he would return the bill to the floor when more Senators are in support of it.
Members of the House of Representatives are letting the Senate handle the details in a bill that would please both Democrats and Republicans. The bill needs to pass the Senate before any member of the House votes on it. If the bill passed the Senate and the House of Representatives, the president of the United States would have to sign it into law. To contact your local Senator call:
En Iowa
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R),
Oficina federal: (202) 224-3744
Oficina local: 131 West 3rd Street, Suite 180, Davenport, IA. 52801.
Teléfono: (563) 322-4331, Fax: (563) 322-8552
Sen. Tom Harkin (D),
Oficina federal: (202) 224-3254
Oficina local: 1606 Brady Street, Suite 323, Davenport, IA. 52803.
Teléfono: (563) 322-0417, Fax: (563) 322-0417

En Illinois

Sen. Dick Durbin (D),
Oficina federal: (202) 224-2152
Sin oficina local.
Sen. Barack Obama (D),
Oficina federal: (202) 224-2854
Oficina en local: 1911 52th Avenue, Moline, IL. 61265
Teléfono: (309) 736-1217, Fax: (309) 736-1233read page 2 for a list of office addresses and telephone numbers.

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