Scholarships for Dreamer immigrant students


We are witnessing a period of extraordinary growth within the undocumented immigrant community. The world is constantly changing, and

with that change, come great challenges and opportunities. Regardless of what lies ahead, we are certain of one thing; access to education for undocumented immigrants, is essential for the growth of Illinois and this nation.

Tomorrow’s leaders will need to be able to be great thinkers, possessing both wisdom and depth of understanding. And they must have a profound sensitivity to people’s needs and motivations. The Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship seeks to create access to financial resources to further this growth and development for the immigrant leaders of tomorrow. With the generous offerings of private donors and in-kind donations, the Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship provides scholarships to undocumented students, who are incoming freshmen or current undergraduates that possess at least a 2.5 GPA (on a 4 point scale).


The eligibility requirements are:

– The applicants have to have GPA of at least 2.5 (on a 4 points scale) from High School or college

– Applicants must reside with their parents or guardians while attending High School in Illinois


– Applicants must be graduates from Illinois High School or must have received a GED in Illinois

– Applicants must be attending High School in Illinois for at least 3 years starting from the date of the graduation or date the GED was received.

The deadline date for turning in the application is February 1, 2013. Applicants will receive an e-mail with the results of the selection by April 26, 2013. The money will not be send to a student directly. Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship will send the money to the college the applicant will attend.

A higher education helps people to develop themselves personally and professionally. Now, thanks to Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship, not having money does not count as an excuse for not going to college. Higher education is at everyone’s reach.

For more information and for applications please visit


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