Abarrotes Carrillo Encourages Healthy Food Choices as Part of State Initiative


Shoppers at Abarrotes Carrillo at 903 W 3rd St, in Davenport will have the opportunity to sample and learn how to prepare a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables during special events scheduled from 10:30 a.m. until noon on May 20, May 27 and June 3 and June 24.

10600469_808862915825724_9018229628943206595_nThe demonstration and tasting event is part of the Shop Healthy Iowa/Compre Saludable program. Abarrotes Carrillo owner Adrian Carrillo says improvements have been made to the store to promote the sale of fruits and vegetables. “The health of our customers is important to us,” said Carrillo “We are committed to our community and offering high quality, affordable healthy food choices is one way we can serve our friends and neighbors.”

The Shop Healthy Iowa/Compre Saludable project encourages small Hispanic retail stores to increase selection of healthier foods and beverages, and provides assistance and support to do so. The program is a collaborative effort between Iowa Department of Public Health (Iowa Nutrition Network/SNAP-Ed and CDC State Public Health Actions to Prevent and Control Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity and Associated Risk Factors and Promote School Health (CDC Partnership) grant), Iowa State University, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach (ISUEO), University of Iowa and local communities.


The program began in Perry and Muscatine County in 2015; Marshalltown, Ottumwa, Davenport and Sioux City are implementing projects and by June 2017, 17 Latino store owners will have received training on marketing healthy food choices. In addition, they have already made or are committed to making changes at the stores themselves to support healthy choices. Many store owners put healthy foods in a more visible location and organize produce in an attractive display.

For more information about Shop Healthy Iowa or to become involved in the program, contact Carol Voss at the Iowa Department of Public Health at 515-242-5566 or [email protected].

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