We know that big ideas can spring from a small conversation. It’s a proven reality that people invest in what they create. The Quad Cities Big Table is an opportunity to gather around a table with friends, colleagues, neighbors and even people we’re meeting for the first time to have a real conversation about what’s important to us and how we influence and create a stronger and more cool, creative, connected and prosperous region.
What is the “Quad Cities Big Table”?
During 48 hours of April 20 and 21, more than 5,000 people representing different backgrounds, neighborhoods and interest groups will participate in more than 500 (one-hour) conversations to discuss and imagine the future of our region. Quad Citizens will gather around tables in backyards, schools, businesses, places of worship, neighborhood centers, city halls and more to listen to one another about issues that matter most to them. They’ll explore the ways in which we [individually and collectively] can make our region stronger and more connected.
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What are the goals of the Quad Cities Big Table?
- Empower action
- Inspire collaboration
- Grow civic pride
- Spark problem solving
- Unleash potential for individual leadership
- Bolster understanding of one another
- Elevate civic engagement
What do we hope the impact of the Quad Cities Big Table will have in your community and region?
Co-creating of solutions: More Quad Citizens and organizations collaborating to make contributions that add up to greater solutions.
Unifying: The act of people coming together to discuss the issues that matter most to them has never been more important.
Building community capacity to lead change: Talking about shared interests will equip and empower individuals to lead change together.
After the two-day initiative, what has to be true for us to agree the Quad Cities Big Table was successful?
- Conversations focused on generating solutions
- Self-empowerment
- Number and diversity of participants
- Media coverage – about topics/people at the tables – community learning
- Understanding of challenges, emerging trends or gaps
What evaluation/data gathering activities do we need to conduct?
- Note taking at event
- Follow up short email survey to analyze issues and themes that emerged
- Analysis of feedback for a final Impact Report to the Community
- Media coverage – top line issues
Sample Quad Cities Big Table conversation prompts:
- What brought you to the table?
- What are the best things about our community and how can we help build a stronger and more connected region?
- What does our community need? What steps, no matter how small, can we take to meet those needs?
- What can we do to spread more kindness in our community?
- What would you like to learn from others in this conversation?
- What commitment can we make, big or small, to better our community?
Sample Quad Cities Big Table conversation prompts:
- What brought you to the table?
- What are the best things about our community and how can we help build a stronger and more connected region?
- What does our community need? What steps, no matter how small, can we take to meet those needs?
- What can we do to spread more kindness in our community?
- What would you like to learn from others in this conversation?
- What commitment can we make, big or small, to better our community?
What does it mean to be a host?
You are committing to facilitating a conversation with 8-12 people for a 60-90 minute collectively explore issues important to them and our community, and share innovative ideas that your group can do together or individually to strengthen our region moving forward.
Your conversation can happen any time of day on April 20 or 21 and any place guests are comfortable.
Who can host?
Anyone. Individuals, groups or organizations.
Where can I host?
Anywhere. A backyard, coffee house, office or work space.
What should I talk about?
Whatever is important to you and your table.
What happens after my conversation?
You can use ideas from your conversation to make a difference.
How should I report back my conversation?
Share your thoughts and ideas by taking the Quad Cities Big Table survey.
Host Responsibilities:
- Register at quadcitiesbigtable.com
- Attend one of the Host Information Sessions
- Pick up your host packet
Hosts will:
- Find a suitable location for the conversation on April 20 or 21.
- Invite 8-12 people to join the conversation.
- Determine whether to serve food and drinks, ranging from snacks to full meals, to enjoy with your guests during the conversation.
- Serve as the conversation guide.
Respond to a survey and provide feedback regarding your conversation experience.
Encourage your guests to respond to a brief survey and provide feedback as well.
Keep in touch. We hope the Quad Cities Big Table is only a starting point in sparking conversations and that you and your guests continue to talk and listen to each other and others about how to make our region better.
For more information visit quadcitiesbigtable.com