July 24th is the deadline date to apply for scholarships offered by the General Interpreters Program from the Division Latino Affairs.
If you’re bilingual in English and Spanish, are 18 years of age or older, have your high school diploma or equivalent and do not have a criminal background, you are a strong candidate for obtaining a scholarship.
The program consists of two semesters and has five classes, in other words, 12 credits. The DMACC offers night classes in
various centers and around the state through video conferences (ICN). The only requirement is that there are at least three approved students to receive training.
Applying is simple; just visit the interpreters section on the web site: www.iowalatinoaffairs.org and follow the three steps to apply in the interpreters section. You can also receive information from the IDLA located on the second floor of the building located on 321 E. 12th St., Des Moines, IA or you can call (515) 281-4080 or (515) 242-6534.
The necessary documents you must present to the IDLA are:
•Birth Certificate or any other document that confirms your age
•High School Diploma or equivalent
•Criminal record given by the Criminal Investigation Division.
Because of such short notice, it is recommended that those who are interested receive their criminal record in person at 215 E. 7th St., Des Moines, IA or call (515) 281-4776. Records will be received immediately if requested in person and must pay a cost of $$10.00 to obtain or $15.00 if requested by phone.
Fall classes will begin on August 24th and will end on December 14th; spring classes will begin on January 7th and end on May 1st, 2008.
There will also be an Interpreters Program Specializing in health, court and social services available in the fall. To apply for any of these specialized programs the student must be a general interpreter with good conduct.
Those who complete the General Interpreter Training Program and the Specialized Interpreters Program satisfactorily, will receive a passing grade from the Iowa Division of Latino Affairs Office and will have their names placed on the web site.