We will not be intimidated and will not allow our communities to live in fear


Illinois Latino Caucus releases the following statement

Chicago, IL — The Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus issued the following statement:

“At a time when people across our country are seeking unity in the wake of political division, extremists are offering nothing but fear and intimidation.


“Our greatest safety is in community. As leaders of this state, we pledge to use every tool at our disposal — legislative, legal, and otherwise — to protect our immigrant families from the threat of mass deportation. We will not be intimidated and will not allow our communities to live in fear. As the saying goes, el pueblo unido, jamás será vencido — the people united will never be defeated.”

Because of the work of the Legislative Latino Caucus, Illinois has some of the strongest immigrant protections, ensuring no one is defenseless.

The Illinois TRUST Act, one of the most comprehensive state laws in the nation designed to shield immigrant communities from federal overreach, protects all residents by:

  • Preventing extrajudicial detention: State and local police are prohibited from detaining people based on ICE detainer requests unless there is a judicial warrant.
  • Securing personal locations: Schools, hospitals, libraries, and local government offices are safe spaces for all community members, regardless of immigration status.
  • Protecting families: No parent should fear picking up their child from school or seeking help from a public agency. Illinois prevents law enforcement officers from taking part extrajudicial deportation efforts during routine community interactions.

If you or a loved one is concerned about potential ICE enforcement actions, the Latino Caucus urges you to take the following steps:

  • Create a Family Safety Plan: Make sure your family has an emergency plan, and print out the “Know Your Rights” card. You find bilingual templates for these resources at trpimmigrantjustice.org/resourcehub#KYR
  • Report ICE Activity: If you witness or experience an ICE raid, report it immediately to the ICIRR Family Support Hotline at (855) 435-7693.

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