The Iowa Commission of Latino Affairs opposes the opening of detention centers in Iowa. Not only is it inhumane and costly, but it is also cruel.  Â
Our opposition is derived from recent reports of unsafe environments where children are denied access to medical care and their basic needs are not met while detained for long periods of time. This results in physical harm and long-term trauma. Â
Iowa doesn’t have enough bilingual and bicultural professionals to provide the needed services that traumatized detained children need if they were to be moved to this state. We know that family detention is harmful; it has in fact resulted in the deaths of several children. Â
As a governor appointed commission, our number one fundamental objective is to protect families; the practices that are in place right now do not do that, and we urge the State of Iowa and its residents to reject such measures in order to protect the lives of all families. Our priority is to support Iowa’s sponsors in the process of reuniting children with their loved ones in Iowa.