STERLING/ROCK FALLS – The Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce and Sterling Main Street are excited to share the events being planned for Sterling Seasonal Sights and Sounds. “The SVACC and Sterling Main Street are committed to celebrating the 2020 Holiday Season. Due to COVID-19, the activities and events will be different than last year, but we still believe we can offer some great family and community activities.” shared Kris Noble, Executive Director of the SVACC.
Tentative events include: A Community Concert on Thursday, December 3. In past years this has been held at First Congregational Church, but this year the concert will be offered virtually. Friday, December 4 there will be a firework display at 7 p.m. Community members are invited to park in downtown Sterling or Rock Falls as fireworks will be sent up from the Sterling Riverfront.
Many shops in Downtown Sterling will be open until 7 p.m. or later, and community members are invited to wander downtown, shop, and enjoy local food and beverages. On Saturday, December 5, Santa on the Go! Drive Thru and Reverse Parade will be at Northland Mall from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. This event will include a socially distanced photo opportunity with Santa or in a Winter Wonderland and a Drive Thru “Reverse Parade” event where business and organizations will showcase holiday themed display/float. Goody bags will available for the first 500 children.

402 Locust Street, Sterling, IL
Other events planned include: Ugly Sweater Party on Wednesday, December 2 at 7 p.m. at the Sterling Theatre. This includes a special showing of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Additional holiday movies will be offered Wednesday, December 9 (Elf) and Wednesday, December 16 (The Polar Express).
Advanced tickets will be required as seating is limited.
Businesses and organizations are encouraged to decorate their windows with a holiday theme throughout the month of December. There are many other holiday activities happening throughout the community and events will be added as plans are confirmed. Please visit Sterling Main Street website at www.sterlingmainstreet.org/events-activities/seasonal-sights-sounds/ for more information.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of these events, or would like to participate in the Reverse Parade, or provide coupons from your business, please contact Kris at the Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce at 815-625-2400 or [email protected].