Quit the Chit Chat, and Do Something


The Illinois State Senate now has the bill HB 1100 after it barely passed the House. The bill will be a huge victory for the immigrants in the state, if it passes, because it would offer a driving certificate to the more than 250,000 honest, hard-working people in the state of Ill. who at the present time do not have a certificate, let alone a license.
This bill passed by only four votes in the House so anything can make or break this bill. At the present time, the bill sits in the Rules Committee. The committee includes
three Democrats and two Republicans, if three of them from any party vote against it, the bill is dead and we need to start all over.
Therefore, I am going to give you the phone numbers of all five state senators in the committee. All you need to say is “hi, my name is [say your name] and I support HB 1100, and I expect Senator [say the name of the senator you called at this point] to vote for it.” If you’re nervous about having someone pick up, call at night or on a weekend when an answering machine will pick up.
Some of us are a disappointed with the arrests going around the country; others are disappointed because there’s no march this year in the area. Many of us are citizens and need to call these legislators because if we won’t, anti-immigrant groups like the Minutemen will. Latinos make up the largest number of immigrants in the United States.  The last census said that the Latino community is the largest minority group in the nation; let’s show the state that we care enough to give them a courtesy call for our concerns.
The phone numbers of those in the Rules committee are:

Chairperson:  Senator Debbie DeFrancesco Halvorson (D), she’s also the Senate Majority leader (217) 782-7419 and (708) 756-0882.
Senator Rickey R. Hendon (D) (217) 782-6252 and (773) 265-8611.
Senator Louis Viverito (D) (217) 782-0054 and (708) 430-2510.
Senator Christine Radogno (R) (217) 782-9407 and (630) 243-0800.
Senator Dale A. Righter (R) (217) 782-6674 and (217) 235-6033.
Also though not on the committee, our local state senator Mike Jacobs may be the easiest one to access by calling (217) 782-5957 and (309) 797-0001.

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