Meet the candidate: Terry Brooks for Mayor of Rock Island


April 4, 2017 is a day when the residents of the City of Rock Island will go to the polls to choose new mayor for their city. Let us present you one of the candidates for this position, Terry Brooks.

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Mr. Brooks has vast experience and he is looking to address the needs and vision of  the future for the City of Rock Island. Terry Brook was born in Danville, IL, but he was raised in Rock Island and he knows this city well and understands the needs it has. Mr. Brooks attended Rock Island High School and the University of Illinois.

Mr. Brooks is a single father of 6 and grandfather of 14 and he is fully invested in helping the City of Rock Island step into a better future. Currently, Mr. Brooks is a consultant to a small business that is located in Washington D.C.


“I decided to run for Mayor of the City of Rock Island because of my 16 years of experience as an Alderman for the City. I have a vision in moving the City of Rock Island forward and I believe I am the most capable for the job,” Mr. Brooks explained.

Since Mr. Brooks served on some boards and commissions that were looking to improve Rock Island, he feels he is the candidate who knows what the city needs. Mr. Brooks, who also is a member of Rock Island County NAACP, has served on the Rock Island Housing Authority for 13 years. He is and has served on the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center Board of Directors for the past 20 years.

Mr. Brooks, while serving as alderman for the city of Rock Island, also was the one who came up with the Respect is Knowing Campaign (Violence Isn’t the Answer) in 2008. This campaign, that uses colorful billboards all over the city, is set to raise awareness and get people to discuss ways to better deal with the problem of violence. Not only does Mr. Brooks reflects the necessary experience for the mayor position, but he also is very involved in his community and he points out he is always looking for ways to move Rock Island towards a better future for every resident of this city.


“I’ve always had a common interest in community. I am solution focused about people’s issues and concerns with a goal to build a better city for all citizens,” he added.

Mr. Brooks vision of Rock Island is to ensure economic growth through assessing and inviting business leaders to be stakeholders in Rock Island environment, Mr. Brooks looks to promote investment and recruiting the local business leaders of tomorrow. Terry Brooks thinks in investing in the future while appreciating the benefits today and that is why he plans to focus on Western Illinois University, St. Ambrose University, Black Hawk College, the Rock Island Growth Corporation, QC Realtors Association and the Housing Authority that are economic drivers in the area.

And when it comes to development of the community, Mr. Brooks says would like to offer opportunities for major investments so the city can have developments it badly needs. He would like to tackle Jumer’s crossing project, housing developments and try to provide an anchor at 11th Street and Black Hawk Plaza. Terry Brooks envisions a multi-sport center that he is sure will be a great addition to the community and economy of the City of Rock Island.

Mr. Brooks is also a believer of the clean and green working environments that can incorporate solar, wind and other green energy initiatives. He strongly believes that the community needs to attract and find the ways to retain more young professionals. He knows and understands that diversity strengthens communities and he wants to see more young people getting appointed to boards, commissions and task forces. “Young people need to participate” he says and Mr. Brooks understands that it is important to help them to lead others towards a better tomorrow.

“As mayor, I will fight for our community, youth safety, public goods, and entrepreneurship, so we can invest in our future. Please, join me and – together – let’s move Rock Island forward!” Mr. Brooks said.

The election for Mayor of Rock Island is on April 4, 2017

If you want more information about Mr. Brooks you can reach him at [email protected]

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