During the May 1st marches in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Police Department struck at the marchers. The rally ended with riot police using batons and rubber bullets to drive protestors and journalists out of Macarthur Park. United Press International reported that 150 “less than lethal” shots were fired in the crowd.Spanish language station, Telemundo was broadcasting live when police knocked over some of the stations
monitors and lights while some of the staff was being hit with batons.As a result, immigrant rights groups and other organizers have filed class-action civil rights suits alleging that the officers violated the constitutional rights of the demonstrators at Macarthur Park.The National Association of Hispanic Journalists President Rafael Olmeda and the organizations Executive Director, Iván Román called for an immediate investigation in a letter to Mayor Villaraigosa of Los Angeles.“There is ample evidence from eyewitness accounts and video that show that the officers overreacted to the situation and engaged in improper use of force against people who were clearly accredited journalists, including many of our members, who were lawfully covering a legitimate news event and not interfering with police,” the letter said.
Two officers, Deputy Chief Cayler Carter Jr. and Louis Gray, the number two official were removed from their command posts as a result of these demonstrations.