“I ask all of you, regardless of any political affiliation, to do what’s right and stand against the separation of families”



Jazmin Newton-Butt’s remarks for the 2018 LULAC Iowa State Convention against the policy of separation of families


LULAC Council 10 would like to thank LULAC Iowa for bringing the 2018 State Convention to Davenport.  I’d like to thank all the LULAC members that have worked very hard behind the scenes to put together this event and also recognize the strong leadership of our State Director Michael Reyes.  Mike is not one to stand in the spotlight or address media cameras, but he has done a lot to further the LULAC footprint in the state of Iowa and we thank him for his efforts.


As President of Council 10 in Davenport I have the honor and privilege of working with members of LULAC and LULAC allies on many issues and for many great causes.  


LULAC is the largest and oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in the nation.  Since 1929 LULAC has fought for equality and inclusion of Latinos. LULAC also cares about education and providing opportunity to everyone.  This year on July 29th, LULAC council 10 of Davenport in conjunction with LULAC Moline will award $50,000.00 to QC area students.



While tonight we are here to celebrate many accomplishments of LULAC and its members, I do feel compelled to use this platform to discuss an issue that America needs to address.  Immigration has made headline news for decades yet we as a country fail to find a reasonable and humane solution. I understand that immigration is complex and I’m not here tonight to discuss all aspects of it, but I will address one aspect that I find troubling.  

Separation of Families.  


Separation of families through deportation has increased over the years.  Now our country is separating families who are coming here… pleading for help as they attempt to escape the horrors of their own countries, and we are ripping their children from their arms and throwing them into cages that we call detention centers.  Notice I say we because we are America. As Americans, if we stand idle without standing up for those that cannot defend themselves, then we are just as responsible for these horrific practices that will likely be a stain on our history.

A couple days ago Atty. General Sessions attempted to use the Bible as a justification for the practice of separating families at the border.  He clearly didn’t read the whole bible. And he obviously did not pay attention in his American history class where he would have learned that this country has had laws that were not just.   I’m sure my friends at NAACP would gladly give him a refresher course and remind the Atty. General about slavery and Jim Crow. You don’t have to read the bible to know that ripping a child from the arms of his/her parents goes against human decency.  



Its Unjust…………Un-biblical……Un-american

Over 1500 immigrant children are currently being held in custody away from their parents.  

If you are a person of faith…you should be outraged!



If you are a parent…you should be outraged!


If you are a decent human being…you should be outraged!


All Americans should be outraged at such inhumane practices.  I ask that each of you call your members of congress and ask that such horrific practices cease immediately.


LULAC is a non-partisan organization. And today, I ask all of you, regardless of any political affiliation, to do what’s right and stand against the separation of families.  


This is our call to action: We need your help to keep families united! Contact your representatives. Text ‘UNITED’ to 52886 to send a message to your Member of Congress today.

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