For Luis Del Toro “crime and debt reduction” are priorities on his bid for City Council in Dubuque


As Election Day for City of Dubuque City Council nears, residents of Dubuque are facing a big choice.  Who can do the best job of representing the residents of Dubuque is the main question. Meet Luis Del Toro. He is looking to get elected to City council Ward 2.


Luis del Toro is originally from Texas, but that does not mean he does not know about what Dubuque needs to became even greater place to live. Del Toro’s wife is from Dubuque and they are raising their two boys here.

“My wife Leslie was born and raised in Dubuque and when making the decision to start family our own, we realized that Dubuque was the right place to call our home. The strong school system and outstanding community were the primary factors that made this such an easy decision,” Del Toro explains why he believes Dubuque is such a great place to raise a family.


This is a first time for Del Toro trying to get elected for office. Del Toro explains that his motivation came from the fact he felt that the public should be able to participate more in the city government.

“Though our city operates under a council-manager form of government the one important piece I feel is missing from the equation are the citizens of Dubuque,” Del Toro explains his motivation.

Del Toro also promises to residents of Dubuque that if elected he will be having round-table discussions with residents often. He will be looking for their input on what council needs to do. He will also encourage more transparency and public education.


“I want to be an advocate for the citizens of our 2nd Ward and ensure that their opinions are being heard and represented within our City Council,” Del Toro said. “Decisions should be made based upon what we the citizens want…not what the select group of elected officials want for Dubuque only.”


If elected for City council Luis Del Toro would aim to focus on the following challenges that Dubuque faces today. First, Del Toro would like to tackle a problem of crime in the city of Dubuque. Recently, Dubuque was shaken by a series of violent crimes that took place in downtown north end district. Del Toro would like to make sure these occurrences would not escalate and that is why he wants to implement and make stronger the neighborhood watch groups, add more police officers over the next 3 to 5 years and help citizens to be part of the solution.

“We need to empower citizens to be part of the solution as well and provide them with the means to do so without fear of retaliation,” Del Toro shared his visions for Dubuque.

Another problem Del Toro looks to zero in is the debt. The City of Dubuque has a $300 million operating debt.

“Reduced Spending and Debt reduction needs to be a priority,” Del Toro declared. “Debt reduction should be our priority as this impacts all citizens. No one wants to continue to see franchise fees and taxes rise.”

Getting people to trust the City Council is another priority Luis Del Toro wants to focus on. He is on a mission to change the perceptions of residents of Dubuque and he is planning to do it through communicating better with the public and educating the residents of Dubuque about actions of the city council. Del Toro also wants to implement roundtable discussions where citizens can voice their concerns and suggestions.

“So this November I hope you join me in sending a message to our current City Council that through they have been elected representatives of our wards and the city, the city leaders are still leaders of the people and it is time we make decisions based upon the will of the people. I want to be the change we need. The voice we deserve,” Del Toro wants to invite the citizens of Dubuque to vote this Tuesday, November 3.


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