Des Moines woman that ran over girl because she was “a Mexican” has been found competent to stand trial

Nicole Poole at her preliminary court hearing on December 30, 2019. photo by Tar Macias / Hola Iowa

Nicole Poole, the Des Moines woman who ran over a young girl for being “a Mexican” and another African American child on the same day and injured both minors, was ruled competent to stand trial according to court documents filed Tuesday May 19 in Polk County. Poole, 42, has been charged with two counts of attempted murder

Back on December 30, 2019 her lawyer, Matthew Sheely asked for a psychiatric evaluation to determine if she is mentally competent. 

Sheely said Poole is suffering from a mental disorder and is incompetent to stand trial.


Senior Polk County District Court Judge Karen Romano granted the request then for a competency evaluation claiming there is probable cause.


In February, Polk County Judge Celene Gogerty determined Poole was incompetent to stand trial. She was ordered to receive treatment and proceedings against her were suspended.

Last Friday the suspension on her proceedings was lifted by Judge Gogerty and the proceedings on the attempted murder charges were reinstated. 


Her next hearing is scheduled for May 28 at the Polk County Jail Court.

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