Day of the Dead Celebration


The memory of the dead was brought to life with Casa Guanajuato’s annual celebration of Day of the Dead.  This years event took place on Sunday November 2nd at the Figge Art Museum in Downtown Davenport.  The evening began with a record crowd of 700 attendants.  The Quad Cities Ballet Folklorico performed dances from the state of Nayarit and impressed the crowd with dances like the machete dance and la bruja.  Upstairs at the Figge, 7 alters were on display for the public to see.  Artist Jesus Pastor from Guanajuato spoke in the auditorium about the tradition of Dia De Los Muertos and the importance of this being a joyous holiday of life and reminded the audience that no one is eternal on earth.

Casa Guanajuato gave special recognition awards to Jesus Pastor, Moline High School, Tar Macias and Hola America.  A few rooms were made available to make special Day of the Dead art projects. Traditional foods like pan de muerto and hot chocolate were served.  The evening’s entertainment continued and wrapped up with music from a Quad City favorite, Los Mocambos.


Once again, the annual event brought entertainment, culture, and education to all of those who attended the event.


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