In the summer of last year Hola America shared with reader stories of struggles and successes of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. Many remember the story of Cesar Vargas, a young man from New York, DACA recipient and the first undocumented immigrant who was in the process of fighting for his license to practice law from The New York State Bar Association. It is a great pleasure to announce that Cesar Vargas had finally received an approval he had been waiting for and it only took him 4 years of legal battle.
Cesar Vargas was not only trying to prove that being undocumented immigrant does not disqualify him from practicing law, but also he was fighting a charge of trespassing in Iowa.
In January of 2015 he was charged with trespassing at the Iowa Freedom Summit in a privately owned Hoyt Sherman Place for disturbing Chris Christie, who was running for president on the Republican side, while he was delivering his speech. He was ordered to be on probation for one year and New York policy does not admit new lawyers while they are on probation. The legal battle finally had come to an end in April of this year. Cesar Adrian Vargas is now a member of the New York State Bar Association.
Many of his friends in Iowa and other places are very happy for him.

“Cesar knew the risks of speaking out against anti-immigrant politicians like Steve King and Donald Trump but he did it any way. He put the future of the community ahead of his own personal and professional aspirations and he showed us in Iowa how we can use our voices to make a difference. When Cesar took a stand in Iowa he inspired others to do the same and we’re still seeing the impact of his actions today.” Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Matt Hildreth, immigration advocate in Larchwood, Iowa
“I met Cesar in 2014 right before he and Erika Andiola confronted Steve King and Rand Paul. They gave me the courage to come out as an undocuIowan and go on to confront politicians like Steve King, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, etc. Cesar has served as an amazing mentor and a great role model for young Latinos in Iowa. As an undocumented immigrant, I know how difficult and how long the journey is to achieve what Cesar has achieved. Cesar es un orgullo Latino!”
Monica Reyes, Founder of DREAM Iowa

“I am very proud and happy for Cesar Vargas. I consider Cesar a true friend and a fighter not only for the Latino Community but for all people and communities that are ignored and not heard. Cesar is a true champion for justice and equality.”
Juan Alfredo Rodriguez
Congratulations Lawyer Cesar Vargas!
Top Photo Dream Action Coalition