Celebrating Hispanic Culture in Iowa


Hola Iowa has put together a list of the festivities in Iowa surrounding National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Visit with your family and friends these festivals and enjoy the music, food and dances that make our Latino culture so rich.

LULAC QC Fiesta Week presents – VIVA QUAD CITIES  Bettendorf

Saturday September 10, 2016             Noon-11:00 PM

The fiesta demonstrates the growing diversity and vitality of the Hispanic Community in the Quad Cities. Food booths, arts and crafts and live entertainment highlight the all day event with live music from 5 different local bands plus Mariachi music and the Quad Cities Ballet Folklorico. Bring a lawn chair, grab some food and have a lot of fun!


VIVA QC is back and as part of the LULAC QC Fiesta Week and the sponsors: Regional Development Association RDA, Ascentra Credit Union and Group O.

Join us on Saturday, September 10 in the Isle Casino Hotel parking lot in Bettendorf. The fiesta will run from 12PM – 11PM.

LULAC-VIVA-Flyer (1)

Festival Latino Council Bluffs

Saturday September 10 at 11 AM and Sunday September 11 at 6 PM

Centro Latino of Council Bluffs, IA


Free event. Children’s activities, musical entertainment, dance groups, bouncy houses and clowns, booth exhibitions and more. Try some great food from La Cabañita.



Fort Madison Mexican Fiesta,

Thursday September 15 to Saturday September 17, 2016. All day event.

34th Street & Ave Q, Fort Madison, IA

This event is free.  Mexican Independence Celebration. Family event with street dancing, carnival rides, authentic Mexican food, vendors, beer garden, live music, traditional folk dancing, crowning of queen and princess, school coloring contest, burrito and twinkie eating contest, raffle prizes, Catholic Mass. For more information please call (319) 372-2015.


4th Annual International Fair Muscatine

Saturday September 17, 2016 from 11 AM to 4 PM

This event is free. Presented by Diversity Service Center of Iowa (DSCI). The following performer will present on main stage: Champagne Irish Academy of Irish Dance, White Swan Native American Dance Troupe, “Mama Katambwa” master story teller, Janac Nelson, belly dancer, MHS Cheerleaders, Liberian Women’s Group and QC Ballet Folklorico.

Pearl City Station, 100 Harbor Drive, Muscatine



LULAC Fiesta Latina West Liberty

Saturday September 17 from 3 PM to 10 PM

Free event, but donations are accepted.

5K Road Race will start at 8 AM after the race children will have loads of fun at Children’s Festival that will take place from 10 AM to 3 PM. Expect a great puppets performances  that all children will sure enjoy. After playing all day stay for music presented by Mariachi Real Guadalajara and Parranderos Latin Combo. The musical entertainment will be from 3 PM to 6 PM. Also Sept. 16 come out to an Adult Puppet Slam that will start at 8 PM.


Downtown West Liberty



Festival Latino de Cedar Rapids

Sunday September 18 from 12 PM to 6 PM

Free event. Family friendly event with music, dances, piñatas, Cuban and Mexican food, activities for children and a lot more.

Mays Island at the 3rd Avenue Bridge, Cedar Rapids



Ottumwa Latino Festival

Saturday September 17 from 2 PM to 8 PM

331 E Main St., Ottumwa

Family event to celebrate art, music and culture of Latin America. Food vendors, children activities and other fun things to do. The following performers will present: Tormenta de Oaxaca, La Fuerza Latina, Kalpulli Ketzal Coatlicue, Tuwamari Ballet Folklorico and a lot more. Emceed by Andres y Lorena Perez from Onda Latina. For more information please contact David Camphouse and Shiloh Seim at 641-682-0261 or send an email to [email protected]. Also, you can visit marketonmain.org.


Iowa’s Latino Heritage Festival Des Moines

Saturday Sept. 24, 10 AM to 11 PM and Sunday Sept. 25, 10 AM to 6 PM Western Gateway Park, Des Moines, IA

Cost: Adults $5 and children 12 and under $1. Huge celebration of Latino culture in Iowa.

Cultural booths to share with others a little about  countries in Latin America. Participants will learn a lot of great things about represented country including arts, dance, crafts, language, foods, customs, politics and a lot more.

Children’s activities include fun things like jumping castles and even piñata making to name a couple. There also will be a few educational activities.

Entertainment for the festival this year will include Los Niños del Tepeyac Danza Folklorica, Brazilian Moves, Los Parranderos Latin Combo, Dueling DJs, Dals Des Moines and Bachata Des Moines, Izcalli, Yamor, La Obra.

Exhibitors will provide variety of information. Among exhibitors participants of festival can find information from churches, political parties, professional business services, retail and others.

Food Vendors is a way to eat your way through Latin America from the comfort of your backyard. Many Latin American countries will have culinary representation at this festival.

Chef Tania’s Cooking Demonstration. Chef will prepare recipes from Latin American countries from cookbook especially published for this festival. Cookbook will be available for purchase to fund scholarships that are given to students during festival. Chef Marco Torres will also have cooking demonstration.

Artist Display will feature art work of Latino residents of Iowa. Among many works there will be photography, paintings with oils, acrylics, sculptures and performance art.


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