Can Iowa’s support of Trump shield its vital migrant farm workers?

Border Patrol agents used Title 42 to transport migrants back to the U.S.-Mexico border, in this photo from March 2020, the early days of the order. (Photo by Jerry Glaser/U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

By Dave Nagle, Iowa Capital Dispatch

Des Moines, IA-I hope Tyson Foods, whose plant is located here in Waterloo, made significant contributions to President Trump’s re-election effort, including purchasing gold shoes and meme coins. Con Ag may be Iowa’s savior if they supported him vigorously.

Likewise, the producers of corn, soybeans and cotton, those who raise hogs, I hope they were in his camp. I am grateful for the first time; Iowa is one of the most Republican states in the nation and God bless Sens. Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley.

No, I haven’t lost my mind. The president is going to sweep immigrants from the land of this nation. Already soldiers, immigration officers, and others are rolling into and over our major cities, locations in Chicago and Los Angeles, arresting and immediately sending off suspected violators of our immigration laws without even checking into their and their families right to remain here.


Just a word about our migrants and agriculture. They comprise 73% of workers in agriculture. You’ve seen them, the guys, girls and kids who clear the land, plow the fields, till, and then harvest the crops. They milk the cows, feed the pigs and slaughter the cattle. If you think about the situation, they are vital and the first step in the chain that leads to our agriculture system’s ability to put fresh food in the grocery store.

If you ask the question can the president do this? Rid the land of these workers? The answer is yes. You remember hearing the president and his followers say, “God sent him here to save America.”


It was Robert Filmer, a 17th century squire who first proposed that “Adam was the first king” and subsequent kings inherited his authority.” Free to rule and could, because he was divinely blessed, never made a mistake, even when wrong. Many strongly conservative Christians are starting to believe Trump is Adam’s successor, divinely blessed to lead us. It is simply called Divine Right. Forget the Magna Carta, that was the devil’s work.


Forget the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court took care of that obstacle. In little-noticed language within Trump v. the United States, the court said, “When the President exercises such authority. . . Congress cannot act upon, and courts may not examine, the President’s action within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority.” In other words, the president can ignore the acts of Congress and that is not a crime.

But all is not lost. Already those farm groups I mentioned are organizing to save farm workers. They are explaining that we want immigrants out, but not ours. Secondly, notice that the raids so far are only in blue states, with the possible exception of Florida, where Gov. Ron DeSantis favors the action. The president has a well-known capacity to remember his friends and go after those he perceives in opposition. Keep in mind, a timely call from our senators and the congressional delegations could forestall action here.

Lastly, get the history books out and study the Underground Railroad. For all those who, if given the time, could produce proper papers of their right to be here, pack them in your basement, give them the garage, hide them in your churches so we can organize a proper presentation of their right to be here. We do not want another Postville. We will show up in an orderly manner and press our case. Do not look for me and our other leaders, we will be at the head of the line. I am not sure whether God or the Devil inspired me to write this. That will be your call when the federal government shows up.

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