Business Development Stakeholders Announce Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit and Awards Ceremony


Partnering with the Small Business Administration, the Iowa Department of Economic Development, Drake University, and other business development stakeholders, the Community Tax Clinic and Community CPA & Associates, Inc. is proud to announce the first Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit taking place on Saturday, Nov.15, 2008 at Drake University’s Olmstead Center, Des Moines, IA from 9:00AM to 4:00PM.

The 2008 Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit’s mission is to bring immigrant businesses and business service providers together to share information, learn best business practices, and celebrate the contributions immigrant businesses make to the overall community.  The Summit participants will be able to make connections and learn from others in a non-competitive and supportive environment.  According to Ying Sa, CEO of Community CPA & Associates and lead Summit organizer: “I believe it’s important to bring attention to the entrepreneurial potential of immigrant businesses which given their lower average start up costs and niche consumer markets, are poised for growth even in tough economic times”.

The Summit consists of opening and closing keynote sessions and four workshops with a
Bilingual track.  Each workshop is designed to address the specific opportunities and challenges immigrant Entrepreneurs face as well as issues of interest to the overal business community.  Workshop topics include:

• Starting a business – step by step.  How to start a business with an ITIN?
• All the taxes in business – never to be confused again
• Employment based and business based Visa and immigration
• Ready to expand your business to Immigrant communities –hear the community business leaders’ advice first hand


The 2008 Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit will also award four outstanding immigrants, community leaders and immigrant advocates. We encourage the community at large to submit nominations for the following award categories:


• The U.S. Immigrant Entrepreneurs Leadership Award
For the immigrant who has achieved success through hard work and community service and is a true leader for the community betterment.
• Outstanding Immigrant Business Award
Featuring the successful immigrant business venture
• Immigrant Champion Award
For the effective advocate of immigrant small businesses
• Immigrant Spirit Award

Recognizing the altruistic and hardworking spirit of an immigrant leader
The Summit invites immigrant business owners, business service providers and all concerned community members to take part in this unique and pioneering event.   The registration fee is $50 for general public and $30 for immigrant-owned business owners which include a breakfast and lunch.


For more information, please visit and Community CPA & Associates Inc. IES registrations can also be mailed to its address: 1557 2nd Ave., Des Moines, IA 50314 Tel:(515) 288-3188,

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