As parties and gatherings have been kept at a minimum lately, Spartan, the world’s largest endurance and extreme wellness brand decided that if Spartans can’t celebrate together, they would virtually host on the biggest parties of the year.
This weekend, on May 30th and 31st, “Project Unbreakable: The World’s Largest Virtual Race, powered by Rakuten,” will take place in over 100 countries with an estimated 3 million participants taking on the Spartan virtual challenge. “The Spartan community is resilient,” said Head of Global Brand Communications, Jonathan Fine. “While the live event season may be on hold, we have millions of athletes who want to stay active, fit and connected to one another – and Spartan’s virtual events and online content have kept them strong during these uncertain times.”
As with any Spartan Race, the virtual versions offer the Sprint, Super, Beast and Ultra starting with 20 obstacles with additional ones as you go up. And in keeping in the at-home workout theme, all the obstacles are body weight movements that can be done anywhere. These virtual events have been available for the last few months and will continue to be available, but what makes completing it this Saturday or Sunday even more special is that Spartan is trying to break the record for largest virtual race ever this weekend. And as this event is free, for a small fee you can upgrade your package and receive a limited edition Spartan Lockdown shirt and a Trifecta wedge along with other goodies Spartan’s are used to getting.
As virtual events have given athletes something to look forward to during this time where sports competition seems low on the priority list of life, the Spartan organization sees the importance and value of virtual runs and may keep them going even after they return to their regular schedule in mid-June. “Our goal is to transform 100 million lives,” explained Fine. “And given the positive response we’ve received with our current virtual events, it’s definitely something we will consider as the brand evolves.”
For more information, or to register for Project Unbreakable virtual run visit,