It’s not often that you get to make good on your New Year’s Resolution just hours after setting it. For the third year in a row, the YouthHope organization is giving you a chance to kick your old bad habits to the curb and kick off the new year on the right foot…literally. On January 1st, the 2019 Resolution Run 5k is going down at YouthHope’s Moline Youth Center. “It is the fresh start to a healthy new year, and we all have to start somewhere,” said YouthHope Director of Development, Hannah Carr.
With record lows last year for the run, Carr and everyone else at YouthHope welcome the warmer weather predicted for race day, which means more will be able to take part in the event. “We are so excited to have warmer weather for the RR5K this year so more walkers can participate,” said Carr. “Runners who participated last year are excited to do it again this year, and more community members are hearing about our run and looking forward to celebrating 2019!”
Offering programs Monday-Saturday for K-12th grade students in Rock Island County, YouthHope serves over 500 at-risk children and teens each week. “ALL proceeds from the RR5K go directly to funding programs at the Moline and Rock Island Youth Centers,” explained Carr. “And every registration helps us continue offering after school programs, tutoring, basketball, kids club, teen nights, performance poetry, and more!”
With this being the first run of the year in the QCA, Carr knows that this race is very important to YouthHope and everyone participating. “The Resolution Run kick starts running goals for the QC running community,” said Carr. “Our goal is to encourage all participants to have a healthy year in all aspects of life: Physical, Mental, Social, Financial, and Spiritual. We are honored and blessed by the runners celebrating the New Year with us!”
The 2019 YouthHope Resolution Run is Tuesday, January 1, 2019 in Moline, IL at YouthHope’s Moline Youth Center. Race starts and ends at YouthHope’s Moline Youth Center: 3928 12th Avenue – Moline, IL. Race begins at 1pm. For more information or to register visit, www.cfyouthhope.org