WIC supplemental nutrition program


WIC provides food coupons for pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum women, newborns and children ages 1-5.   These coupons are redeemed at local grocery for healthy foods – like milk, juice, eggs, cheese, cereal, dry beans or peas, and peanut butter.  WIC strongly encourages pregnant women to seek prenatal care as soon as their pregnancy is identified.  Early prenatal care gives your baby the best chance to be born healthy and stay that way.  WIC also is a good support center for enrolled breastfeeding mothers. Many of the local staff are certified lactation consultants and breast feeding peer counselors are available to answer questions.

Newborns are measured and assessed for proper growth and feeding habits.  If formula is being used, proper amounts and preparation are discussed. Introduction of solid foods throughout the first year are presented to the client by video education, group education in a workshop format or individual counseling. WIC and the Healthy Moms/Healthy Kids program also maintain a record of the infant’s immunizations when provided by the client to ensure proper vaccination. 

Children ages 1-5 are seen at WIC and are assessed for growth and development, iron levels and eating habits. WIC also follows up on the child’s immunization record and will perform a lead screen when the child is one year old. The focus of the nutrition counseling for parents of small children is to ensure proper foods are being offered and that mealtime be a pleasant, positive experience. One of the newest forms of client education is offered over the internet. The site offers the client nutrition information and the convenience of simply printing off a certificate at home and bringing it in to receive food coupons.

For more information call (309) 794-7070 or visit www.RICHD.org


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