The NCAAP hosts“Job Junction” Workfair


The NCAAP of Rock Island County invites everyone to a second annual “Job Junction” Workfair on Saturday, March 20, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Martin Luther King Center, which is located at 630 9th Street, Rock Island.

At this “job junction” job seekers, manufacturing and construction employers and trade representatives will have the opportunity to have “face to face” conversations about job opportunities in our area, trade unions and membership requirements. This event is designed to “fill those factory and construction jobs” that were generated in part by stimulus dollars for people in our community who are seriously interested in securing employment. This will be a free event.

Liz Sherwin, a president of NCAAP of Rock Island County, explained the importance of this event, “Recently it seems that in almost every ‘community conversation’ of which I’ve been part, there is a discussion about stimulus dollars and the area workforce. Employers express an interest in locating people to fill local manufacturing and construction jobs with skilled and unskilled labor while at the same time many of us in the Quad Cities minority community are concerned about unemployment and poverty. We are all committed to a vibrant Quad Cities and it is for this reason that the NCAAP of Rock Island County is convening this Workfair.”


Here are some of the business that will participate in the Workfair: The City of Rock Island, Illinois QC Chamber of Commerce, Jumer’s Casino and Hotel, Metrolink Transit Authority, Operating Engineers Apprenticeship Program – Local 150, Performance Food Group Thoms Proestler Company, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island County, Valley Construction Company


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