The Iowa Commission of Latino Affairs presents recommendations to governor Kim Reynolds


As Latinos in Iowa are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, the Iowa Commission recommends the following to Governor Kim Reynolds: 

I. Join 42 other states in this fight and execute an order for shelter-in-place. The Commission urges Governor Kim Reynolds to put Iowans first and slow the spread of infection, and the number of deaths across our State. 

II. Require all state agencies to provide ALL information regarding COVID-19 in multiple languages. 


III. Provide PPE (facemasks, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.) to essential workers for work and home. 

IV. Have representation from the Latino Affairs Commission in the Governor’s State Emergency Operations Center. The Commission appoints our Vice-Chair Marlu Abarca to be the representative. 


The Governor’s focus should be the number of people being impacted by the coronavirus. Right now the Latino Communities are the ones that are being disproportionately affected by the lack of information and support from Iowa’s Government. It is the Governor’s duty to ensure the quickest economic recovery possible, which cannot be attained until we flatten the curve in our State, and ensure Iowans can return to work and provide for their families.


The Iowa Commission of Latino Affairs is a governor-appointed Commission comprised of public members who: 

Study opportunities and changing needs of the Latino population of this state; Serve as a liaison between the Department and the public; Recommend legislative and executive action to the General Assembly and Governor; Establish advisory committees, workgroups of other coalitions to achieve goals. 

2019-2020 COMMISSIONERS Jeannette Brown, Chair Marlu Abarca, Vice-Chair Lorena Gingerich, Secretary Alfonzo Perez Caleb Knutson Gilbert Nunez Valerie Nolte San Wong, Ex-Officio, Director of Iowa Department of Human Rights

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