Over 150 people gathered today for the presentation of the new book “The Ghosts of Hero Street”.
Silvis Alderman and event chairperson Bob Cervantes introduced the writer, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Carlos Harrison who addressed the eager crowd and quickly pointed out the purpose of this occasion
“I need to be clear. What is being honored here is not a book. What is being honored here is all of you” Harrison said pointing to the many family members of the Hero Street eight that were present.
“This is a story about America it’s a truly American story of people who came here and wanted to give not to take. They wanted to be a part of not to be apart from… and then the moment came that they were asked to give and in the cases of eight of the men it was the ultimate sacrifice” Mr Harrison said on his speech.
Twenty-two Mexican-American families who lived on that one street sent fifty-seven of their children to fight in World War II and Korea – more than any other place that size anywhere in the country. Eight of those children died. It’s distinction recognized by the Department of Defense; and, it earned that rutted, unpaved strip a distinguished name. Today, it is known as Hero Street.
Mr Harrison plans to address the students at Black Hawk College on Wednesday May 7 at 2 PM in the Building 1 Auditorium.
For more information about the book and author please visit the web site carlosharrison.com
Alderman Bob Cervantes, The City of Silvis and The Greater Quad Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce were the co-sponsors of this event
Photo by Vey Rodriguez