The 2nd annual Illinois Immigrant Entrepreneur Summit is set for July 20


Since its creation in 2008 the Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit has helped thousands of aspiring business owners. Last year it started to expand to other states beyond Iowa and this year on July 20 it is coming back to Moline, IL for a second time with a promise to be bigger and better.

“IES Illinois this year is the second event that we are having,” Dan Kim one of the organizers stated. “And the second year of this event is coming with a lot of expectations.”

Mr. Kim explained that last year the attendance reached about 200 people, but this year the IES is expecting anywhere between 300 to 350 participants. The event will hold nine seminars this year as well, but there will be a couple of new important topics presented to the attendees during the seminars.


“We’ll have nine seminars talking about how to start your business, how to grow your business, and how to make sure that you are legally protecting yourself from your business and your business by itself,” Mr. Kim described some topics that will be presented during the IES event in Moline, IL. “So, a lot of information will be very helpful for a lot of people, we’ll even cover insurance this year. So, that’s something new.”

Besides important information, there will be an award ceremony as well. Three recipients will receive awards in categories like leadership and lifetime achievement.

“They will be in the categories of leadership, so that will be the spirit award, that’s a lifetime achievement award, then there is the champion award and then there is the outstanding business award,” Mr. Kim told. “So, this year we have merged the leadership and the spirit award. Last year they were separated, but this year we felt we could combine them.”


Dan Kim extended his invitation to attend the IES in Moline, Illinois to all business owners looking to expand their business and everyone who is trying to launch their own business.

“We have helped out hundreds of business owners after each event to create their own business, to really get going and this is the right place to meet with people,” Mr. Kim invited interested parties to come to IES event on July 20, 2019.  “Networking is great all throughout the day from 8:30 to 3:00.”


The Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit on Moline, IL is on July 20, 2019 at TaxSlayer Center, 1201 River, Dr., Moline, IL. To register to attend this event please, go to For more information please contact Dan Kim at (515) 720-5872 or send him an email to [email protected] For information in Spanish please contact Luis Ordenana at (319) 512-3805 or send him an email to  [email protected]

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