Tabasco is currently passing through an emergency situation. On recent days, torrential rains have caused floods which have covered a great part of the State. Thousands of persons have been affected.
Most of the people of Tabasco have lost their houses, their belongings, their harvests, their means to support their children. Some other still conserve their houses but they do not have access to food, drinking water or health services.
The current situation is extremely serious. This is one of the worst natural disasters ever in the history of Mexico.
Therefore, the Consulate of Mexico in Omaha emits this press release as a response to the inquiries of the population whose desire is to offer humanitarian assistance, as well as for all communication media requiring such information.
1. The Government of Mexico is grateful for the solidarity of all supportive peoples and governments.
2. We recommend not providing donations in kind, unless the institutions, companies or donating parties ensure the delivery directly to the place designated by the government of Mexico. This is because the Government of Mexico is not currently able to implement any operations to transport said inputs from their places of origin to Tabasco.
Donations in Cash
There are two banking accounts for donations available in the United States:
Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA
Account Name: “Ayuda Tabasco”
Account Number: 5992573401
For Wire-transference:
Electronic transference: 111900659
Bank: BBVA Bancomer USA.
Account name: “Ayuda Tabasco 2007”
Account number: 2280300127 (For deposits in California)
ABA: 1-2222-05-06 (for deposits outside California)
Needed supplies
The most urgent needs in the State of Tabasco are:
Bottled water, caned food, mats, comforters, disposable diapers, sanitary towels, soap, personal care items, feeding bottles, medicines, tents and individual beds.
There is also a need for hand lamps with batteries, portable toilets and kitchens, portable power plants and portable potabilizer water plants.
We kindly ask the donators to take into consideration the following two aspects:
If the assistance consists of supplies and/or equipment, we request the donator, to the possible extent, to foresee the transportation of the assistance to the affected area in Mexico and its corresponding distribution;
If the assistance consists of specialized staff (physicians, rescuers, engineers, and the like), they shall travel with the necessary equipment to satisfy their basic needs (water and food; tents and suitable footwear, medicines, and so on.)
This request is derived from the currently emergency conditions that prevail in the affected areas.
The Consulate of Mexico in Omaha, Nebraska ratifies the gratefulness of the people of Tabasco and the Government of Mexico for the innumerable acts of solidarity and the acts of support received.