Friday, August 3, 2012 will be the 8th Annual Salsa making Contest at the Columbus Junction Market. Area cooks are invited to come test their recipes against the competition.
The contest will take place at 5:30 pm at the market which is held Fridays from 4:30 to 6:30 at the American Legion parking lot, 99 Second St. Entries will be accepted starting at 4:15.
There will be five categories for the competition; each will have a first and second place determined by the judges. An overall judge’s favorite will be awarded the traveling trophy currently held by Mona McCulley of rural Columbus Junction.
The categories for 2012 are Cooked, Pico de Gallo (made with raw ingredients), Best Use of Peppers, Best Use of Tomatoes and Best Use of Melon. Participants are encouraged to make good use of unique produce from home gardens and the farmers market. Colorful and flavorful entries are sought.
Entry forms are available at the Columbus Junction farmers market and online at www.columbusjunctioniowa.org. All entries are to be delivered to the farmers market by 5:15 on August 3; judging will begin at 5:30. Judges will be Councilman Hal Prior, Mike Mullinnix and Bob Johnson. After the judging the salsas will be offered to the public for sampling.
The contest is sponsored by the Columbus Junction Community Development Center, Buy Fresh, Buy Local Iowa and Louisa Development Group’s Shop Louisa program. Prize money, in the form of Louisa Bucks, will be awarded for first and second places in each category.
For more information about the salsa contest or for registration forms and contest rules contact Mallory Smith, Columbus Junction Farmers Market, 319-728-7971 or [email protected].