Pete the Purple Bull promotes kindness and respect to stop Bullying


Bullying in schools is a very widely spread problem and a lot of organizations and schools are trying to come up with the best solutions to this particular problem. In the Quad Cities there is a program that is creating awareness it is called Pete the Purple Bull’s Unity Campaign.

Pete the Purple Bull made his first debut last year during the Unity Fest International. Pete is a big and cuddly purple bull. He believes something has to be done about bullying and he is there to remind children and adults alike that everyone should be treated with respect and compassion. Adults can become patrons of Pete and Junior High and High School students can start up Pete Posse Groups in the school and they can help Pete to teach his lessons by accompanying him to local elementary school and other community sites to spread awareness.

October is National Bully Prevention Month and on Sunday, October 12th from 1 PM to 5 PM everyone is invited to meet Pete the Purple Bull during his fun community party at the Quad Cities Waterfront Convention Center in Bettendorf, Iowa.


This event was designed to celebrate people who work hard to make sure that the Quad Cities is a nice and friendly place for everyone to live. This is a family friendly event filled with games, performances, art extravaganza, fun contests, and prizes. There will be pizza for $1 a slice. Also, children can have a lot of fun learning the new Pete’s dance and they can take a picture with him. Don’t be late for this fun filled community party because the first hundred people to enter the door will receive a free Pete’s Posse Badge.

Bullying is a huge problem, but everyone can do something to make it smaller. Students can join Pete the Purple Bull Campaign and through him spread the word of importance of being respectful to others. Adults can support the campaign too. Putting the efforts together can stop bullying from happening.

For more information about Pete The Purple Bull and how to join his campaign please visit Visit the campaign’s Facebook page for updates and upcoming events information. Pete the Purple Bull Community Party is on Sunday, October 12th from 1 PM to 5 PM at Quad Cities Waterfront Convention Center located at 2021 State St., Bettendorf, IA.


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