Our Lady of Grace graduates make history


The 2015 Class of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy made history with their recent graduation this May. Many of these students were the first to enroll as preschoolers, when the school first formed in 2005.


Graduates included Xavier Caldwell, Morgan Cunningham, Connor Fitch, Anthony Glancey, Evan Gryp, Abraham Handel, Caetlin Harris, Brenna Hoskins, Annacah Oliva, Brian Pettett, Thomas Skahill, Jessica Trout, Antonio Vargas and Yadhira Velazquez .

Several students received scholarships and honors including:


Thomas Aquinas Award for Academic Excellence        Tommy Skahill

Mother Teresa Award for Exemplary Service               Anthony Glancey, Caetlin Harris, Abraham Handel, Jessica Trout, Antonio Vargas

East Moline Silvis Exchange Club Citizenship              Brenna Hoskins, Connor Fitch, Caetlin Harris, Brian Pettett


 Knights of Columbus Academic/Citizenship                Tommy Skahill


Alleman Scholarships


DeJaegher Family        Brian Pettett

Norbert Pape               Connor Fitch

Blessed Father Pro      Evan Gryp

Our Lady of Grace       Morgan Cunningham

Michelle Gau                Jessica Trout


Honor Roll                   Tommy Skahill (straight A’s all 4 quarters), Connor Fitch, Evan Gryp


Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy formed in 2005 when the former St. Mary and St. Anne schools in East Moline combined. The school is currently enrolling for the 2015-2016 academic year. For more information, please call 755-9771 or visit the school website at www.olgca.org.


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