Davenport, Iowa native Monica Herrera was crowned the League of United Latin American Citizens Council 10 Center Fiesta Queen on Saturday, September 1. Herrera, 16, is the daughter of Angela and Francisco Herrera and is a junior at Davenport Central High School.
“I’m happy and excited,” Monica Herrera said. “This was a new experience for me.”
Herrera was surprised that she won the title of
queen because she was working a lot and didn’t think she would actually win. In the future she wanted to be a veterinarian but has switched her mind to study business in college. Her mother Angela was honored that her daughter was chosen as Fiesta queen.
“Monica tries to do what’s best,” she said.
The title of queen is usually given to the lady who sells the most tickets. Henry Vargas, LULAC Chairman of the Fiesta said that the lady who sold the most tickets was not able to make it.
“All the girls are very active in their communities, we even had two sisters running against each other,” he said.
First runner up was Black Hawk College student, Marisela Villalpando, 20, daughter of Dora Cabarles and Vicente Villalpando. Second runner up was Sherrard High School freshman, Meriah C. Mendez, 16, daughter of Roberto and Teresa Mendez.
The queen coronation started with President Ernest Rodriguez asking everyone to stand for the national anthems of the United States and Mexico. The prayer that LULAC uses was also said. Since the fiesta commemorates Mexico’s Independence Day, a “grito” saying “Viva Mexico” was yelled. Superintendent of the Davenport School District, Julio Almanza was the guest speaker.
“I’ve dedicated my whole life to education,” he said. “Its other folks like yourself that add richness to the community. We can make a difference.”
The fiesta was to help raise money for student scholarships. The local LULAC council has donated $376,000 in scholarships since 1978.