McCombie’s Citizenship Seminar Assists Permanent Residents with Citizenship Process


Representative Tony McCombie (IL-71st), along with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights, Esperanza Legal Assistance Center, and the YWCA of Sauk Valley hosted a workshop to help Permanent Residents with the Citizenship application process on October 26 in Sterling. 

“Navigating the citizenship process can be difficult.  I was so impressed by the professionalism and help provided by our partner organizations in helping people understand the steps and work with those that want to come to our area for a better life for themselves, their families and generations to come,” Rep. McCombie said. 

“Our country is a nation of immigrants.  I am glad a number of families were able to get assistance through this workshop and take the next steps toward becoming U.S. Citizens.”


To be eligible for citizenship you must be a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States for at least 5 years, or if married to a U.S. citizen, for 3 years. Applicants were advised to bring the required documents with them to the workshop.  Nearly two dozen student translators from Iowa Wesleyan University as well as support staff from the partner organizations provided hands-on expertise to attendees looking for advice and support in completing their citizenship applications and paperwork.

“I hope to host this event again in the future and build on the success we had with this first event.  With over 3,500 Lawful Permanent Residents in the 71st District, the need is great to assist families with navigating this sometimes-daunting process,” McCombie continued.

For more information on this or other events or state issues, call Rep. McCombie’s office at (815) 632-7384 or visit her website at


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