A college education is important, but at times it can feel unattainable for many due to the high cost. This is why many students try to look for and apply for scholarships. Many people might not know that their local community credit unions offer scholarships to their members every year. One of those scholarships that students can now apply for is the Warren A. Morrow Memorial Scholarship offered by the Iowa Credit Union Foundation to credit union members.
The deadline to apply for the Warren A. Morrow Memorial Scholarship is fast approaching, February 4, 2022 is the due date. It is open to high school seniors and post -high school students. Eligible participants can win up to $3,000. Participants will be asked to write an essay among other requirements. Scholarships like this one offer hope of college to some students who might feel like the cost of a higher education is something that is holding them back. Luz Flores-Maciel was one of the winners of the Warren A. Morrow Memorial scholarship that shared her story of how this scholarship is helping her achieve her dream of a higher education.
Ms. Flores is originally from Tepeapulco. A small town outside of Mexico City. Her family came to Des Moines, Iowa when she was about to start the 4th Grade. She learned English and attended Cattell Elementary School. She is a graduate of Lincoln High School and currently she is attending Iowa State University.
“I have known that I wanted to go to college and more specifically to Iowa State University,” Ms. Flores shared. “One of the main reasons we came to the United States was so that I could become a first-generation college student and better ourselves not only economically, but mentally as well”
She explained that she loves arts and sciences and that was why she felt a career in the architecture field would suit her best.
“It’s something that allows me to expand my imagination and it also gives me the tools I need to address issues such as improving communities, the environment and other people’s lives,” she explained her choice of career.
While she was looking for scholarships to help her pay for her college expenses, she learned of the Warren A. Morrow Memorial Scholarship through her Credit Union. Ms. Flores explained that she had doubts she could even apply for this scholarship at all.
“This process was hard for me since many times I didn’t’ know if I’d be eligible to apply to scholarships because I’m undocumented and a SSN is often required,” she shared her struggles of looking for ways to afford a higher education. “But I knew that I have been a good student and a good citizen regardless of what a [immigration] status says and so I poured my heart out onto an application.”
A few months after applying she learned that she had won one of these scholarships.
“My parents left everything for my well being. They’ve worked relentlessly so that I would live a nice life, and one of my goals is to repay them in a way to show my gratitude for them and to make them proud,” Ms. Flores stated. “Obtaining this scholarship was a symbol of that.”
Luz Flores will be beginning her second semester in Iowa State University and she expressed how relieved she feels to know that she does not have a lot of financial worries thanks to this scholarship, and now she can focus more on her studies.
“In the future, I hope I can do the same for other people,” Ms. Flores said. “For students who are struggling with whatever the next step is in their lives, remember that Si Se Puede! It can be done. You can do it!”
If you are interested to learn more about the Warren A. Morrow Memorial Scholarship or to apply, please, visit https://www.iowacreditunionfoundation.org/impact Information is available in both English and Spanish. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is February 4, 2022.
The scholarship is named after the late community leader Warren Morrow. Warren Morrow was born in Mexico City to an American father and a Mexican mother and moved to Arizona to attend grade school. He attended Grinnell College in Iowa with every intention of becoming a doctor. Instead he became an activist, working to ensure that the Latino community had equal access to dignified financial services. He founded Coopera Consulting Company in 2006 and worked diligently to help credit unions nationally work with the Latino community. When he died in 2012, the national credit union movement and the Latino community lost a strong advocate and a leader’s voice. The Iowa Credit Union Foundation is proud to continue Warren’s legacy with the Warren Morrow Memorial Scholarship.
Ten years after his passing you can still see Warren Morrow’s legacy alive in the opportunities provided to young students to ease their access to a higher education through the Warren Morrow Memorial Scholarship.