LULAC will be holding its annual scholarship awards banquet on Sunday, July 31 at 4:00 pm at the Rogalski Center at Saint Ambrose University, Davenport, IA. Invited are the recipients, their parents or guardians, Council members and area educators.
This year’s guest speaker will be Margarita Mojica a local teacher and co-founder of One by One an organization recognized as a “Bright Spots in Hispanic Education” by the White House.
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LULAC Davenport in collaboration with LULAC Moline will award this year $33,000 to 48 Quad City area students who sought the scholarship to fund their future educational goals. The chosen students were ones that exemplified studious work and grades, as well as showcasing school and community involvement.
LULAC has considered education its number one priority since it was established in 1929. LULAC Council 10 of Davenport has awarded close to $500,000 in scholarships since 1975. Council #10 raises funds locally through weekly Friday Night Bingo, Trivia Nights, operations at its Activity Center, the annual LULAC Fiesta queen contest fundraiser, the Adolph Lopez Annual Golf Memorial Outing, and from corporate and individual sponsors and donations. Local funds are submitted to the LULAC National Scholarship Fund, (LNSF) for matching funds. Donations to Council 10 may be sent to: LULAC Council 10, P.O. BOX 4616 Davenport, IA 52808-4616.