LULAC of Iowa launches Get Out the Vote campaign


Latino Americans can have a strong voice in the upcoming election, and it will resonate in the votes they cast.

LULAC of Iowa has created the Informed Voters Project specifically to increase Latino voter registration and to provide complete and unbiased information on candidates.

During the next two months, LULAC of Iowa and local councils will host voter registration drives in customary places such as libraries, Mexican restaurants and grocery stores. In addition, LULAC leadership will focus on four non-traditional outreach methods.


LULAC of Iowa is actively seeking invitations from Latinos to attend private social events, such as wedding receptions, baptisms, quinceañeras and parties, where representatives will set up a table to provide information about voter registration and candidate information. With permission from the host, LULAC will take photographs and publically thank the host in the state-wide publication and website


LULAC members throughout the state will host “cafecitos” (talks) in their homes to provide information to their family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and others about the political system and the positions of the federal and state candidates running for President, U.S. Senate and Congress.

LULAC of Iowa has created scorecards showing where candidates stand on various issues, from privatizing social security to ending private prisons. The scorecards are based on information provided by the candidates, campaign websites and literature. A star will be placed by any answer that corresponds with the policy position adopted by LULAC National.


LULAC of Iowa will travel to voter registration drives and other events throughout the state in a van prominently displaying the LULAC logo and other messages encouraging people to vote and take a stand against hate and racism.

LULAC of Iowa is confident it can achieve significant voter outreach through these traditional and non-traditional outreach methods and will kick-off its 2016 Informed Voter Project on Sept. 10, during the VIVA! QC festival in Bettendorf, Iowa.

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