I am honored to be standing here today with so many individuals and organizations for which I hold in such high esteem. True servants of the Lord, led by faith, in the service of others. That is something that is rare.
Over the last 10 years, the issue of immigration reform has been the subject of good politics, not good governance. Extreme rhetoric, and at times messages of hate have been espoused by those elected to represent us, those elected to make decisions to the benefit of our nation, not themselves.
Over 500 days ago, we thought we had overcome this issue, as the U.S. Senate passed, with strong support from both parties a bill that provided for our nation’s security, economy and humanity. While not a perfect bill, it represented our nation’s values, interests and concerns. It was a compromise. It was good governance.
Unfortunately, while there was broad support in the U.S. House of Representatives, it would not be brought to the floor, where on a simple up and down vote, it would have passed with support from both Republicans and Democrats.
So after 10 years of decisions that have divided the electorate for the benefit of campaign fundraising and voter turnout, after 10 years of decisions that separated millions of families, and cost our economy literally tens of billions of dollars, after 10 years of decisions that did now allow our immigration enforcement agencies to focus on those who truly pose a risk to our nation, the members of LULAC applaud and support the Executive Action plan outlined by the President in his nationwide address.
Darryl MorinÂ
VP LULAC Midwest