Latino Hillary Supporter Visits With Iowans


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The Bronx Borough President, Adolfo Carrion Jr., met with local Latino leaders early morning on Sunday, September 9 at thelatino_hillary_supporter Java Java in Davenport, Iowa to discuss why he supported Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) for president.


Of the 1.4 million New Yorker’s that he represents, 700,000 are Latino in a radius of 44 square miles.
Carrion said that Latinos are in a competitive position in this election if they stand united and to put the Latino community in its best position.



“I love Barack Obama, Bill Richardson is a dear friend of mine, I know Joe Biden, I’m here to convince, being a student of American politics, that let’s get into the best position,” Carrion said.
Carrion said the Iowa vote is so important because it will set the tone for the election. He noted that “Super Tuesday” will also have an effect when large states with strong Latino populations that will be voting will also have a say on February 5, 2008.


He agrees with Hillary Clinton 100 percent of the time and joked that his wife only agrees with him 40 percent of the time. In a conversation with former President Bill Clinton, Carrion said that the former president told him that the Republican Party knew how to win. Carrion used that comment in that the Latinos needed to position themselves with who he believes will be the eventual nominee of the party, Sen. Clinton.


Adolfo Carrion has been traveling the country speaking with Latinos in Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago and Miami saying that he was going to get the message back to Hillary Clinton. A short question and answer session was held afterwards.



“Let’s be realistic and not sentimental. Bill and Hillary Clinton would say that Bill Richardson is an outstanding public servant. Behind the scenes, we have to create a winning formula,” he said.
Maria Rosario Gutierrez endorsed Hillary Clinton because of her experience serving as a Senator for two terms and already being in the White House as first lady.


“Behind every good man, there’s a good women and she’s done a lot with President Clinton, as a senator, and as a woman,” Gutierrez said. Gutierrez voted for the first time in 1992 for then Governor Bill Clinton and received an invitation to the inauguration.“If she wins, maybe then they’ll invite us again,” she said.


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