Latino 20 Questions: Dan Guerrero


1. Name:  Dionicio Daniel Guerrero

2. Birth date:  11/23/1979

3. Occupation:  Barber


4. Hometown:  Cuamio, Michoacán

5. Favorite food:  Shrimp Scampi, but I love all foods

6. Family:  Wife Angela, Kids Dionicio 7, Meeya 5, Eva 8 months


7. Favorite music:  Hip Hop

8. Favorite book:  Anything by Dan Brown

9. Favorite movie:  Apocalypto

10. Famous person I would like to meet:  The Dhali Lama

11. In my spare time I like to:  Hang out with my kids


12. If I could change one thing, I’d:  Calm peoples greediness

13. Peak experience:  Birth of all my kids

14. Pit experience:  Death of a three year old nephew to cancer

15. Favorite vacation spot:  Ixtapa, Mexico

16. One thing I feel strongly about:  People who do not want to help themselves should not expect others to help them

17. Most people don’t know:  I did tattoos for three years and have eight of them

18. I can’t stand:  Arrogance

19. I wish I knew how to:  Play the piano

20. Motto or favorite quote:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

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