Behind strong bipartisan support, the
This commonsense public-safety measure will ensure that all drivers on
Support for the bill transcended party lines, a sign of a shift in the immigration debate. With support from business, health and faith leaders including the Illinois Restaurant Association, the Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council and the Catholic Conference of Illinois, Republicans and Democrats united around the importance of keeping
“The reality is that people need to drive in order to feed their families,” said Mark C. Curran (R), Sheriff of
The bill began in the Illinois Senate, where co-sponsors included 16 Democrats and five Republicans. It passed the Senate 41-14. In the House, a similar bipartisan majority approved it 65-46.
“The Illinois Legislature has shown the way forward on immigration,” said Ali Noorani, Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum. “More and more, political leaders around the country and in both parties are recognizing a new consensus among their constituents, one that recognizes the importance of immigrants and immigration to our nation and that demands a better immigration process.
“It is time for our leaders on the federal level to heed the call of law enforcement, business, and faith and community leaders nationwide and create a better immigration process that keeps our families together, makes our communities safer and makes our economy stronger.”