If you own a business or plan to open one you don’t want to miss the Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit


It is hard to be a business owner, but to be a business owner and immigrant is even harder. Immigrant business owners not only have to try to understand a culture different from their own, but also they need to learn and understand the whole new set of rules for running their business. That is why it can be a great help for immigrant business owners and others to attend the Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit (IES) on Saturday, November 21, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM at the FFA Enrichment Center, Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Ankeny Campus, located at 1055 SW Prairie Trail Parkway, Ankeny, IA. The cost to attend is $35.


The mission of IES is “to bring businesses of diverse backgrounds together to share, learn, and celebrate the immigrant entrepreneurship experience and contribute to the overall community.” The summit is a great opportunity to all business owners to learn something new and network, creating new relations and partnerships.

This Annual Summit will have two special speakers. The opening ceremony of the Summit will be presented by Kim Reynolds, Lt. Governor of Iowa and Governor Terry Branstad will talk at the awards Luncheon. During the Award Ceremony IES usually awards four immigrants, community leaders or Immigrant advocates. The following people will receive awards this year:


●        Immigrant Entrepreneur Leadership Award is given to a first generation immigrant that showed to be a leader and a great business person in his/her professional and family life in the name of the immigrant and larger community. The winner of this award this year is Sylvia Chelimo.

●          Immigrant Spirit Award is given to first a generation immigrant who shows his commitment to excellence in professional and business environment as well as in philanthropic actions. The winner of this award this year is Suku Radia, CEO and President of Bankers Trust.

●          Outstanding Immigrant Business Award is given to a business that is at least 50% owned by a first generation immigrant. The winner of this award is an example and inspiration of success in earnings and altruism. This year’s winner of this award is Ramiro and Lupe Vazquez, Co-Founders of North Construction LLC and Guadalajara Restaurant LLC.


●          Karen L. Evans Award (Immigrant Champion Award) is given to non-immigrant and/or organization (Business, government or non profit) that wants to make positive impact in the immigrant community. This year two organizations will receive this award: Iowa City Downtown District and Iowa City Area Development Group.

In addition to the award ceremony there will be Competition: Underwriting Exposed. This program is sponsored by Well Fargo and business starters who participate will have a chance to win a $5,000 grant for their business. This year’s session is called Underwriting Exposed.

“The purpose of this competition is for participants to learn what all bank underwriters consider when deciding to give business loans,” Dan Kim, IES program manager, explained.

This program will take part closer to the end of the Summit.

To be a business owner is not easy, but to be an immigrant and successful business owner is even harder. Fortunately, the immigrant community has a lot of immigrant business owners whose success is inspiring and events, like the one presented by IES on November 21, help immigrant business owners to come together, share their successes and learn from each other.


Register to attend Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit on 21 of November, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM. The cost is $35 and you can get a $10 discount by using the promo code: HOLAIES (case sensitive). The Immigrant Entrepreneur Summit will take place at FFA Enrichment Center, Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Ankeny Campus, located at 1055 SW Prairie Trail Parkway, Ankeny, IA.

To register call (515) 288 -3188 and ask to speak to Dan Kim. You can also send fax to (515) 288-3370 including your business name and number, reference to Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit; stop by for registration information at Community CPA & Associates at 3816 Ingresoll Avenue, Des Moines, IA. If you wish you can mail your registration to 3816 Ingresoll Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312 with the registration fee. Visit www.iesusa.org for more information and registration.


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