Ice Cream Palace to close its doors after 50 years in business


The ICP Facebook page announced they were closing its doors after 50 years in business and being a staple in the Silvis restaurant community.

“With bitter sweet emotions, I would like to make the announcement that after 50 years of service to the QC area. Umberto “Red” Ponce has made the decision to retire. The Ice Cream Palace will close its doors on December 27, 2014. We would like to take this opportunity to say, a BIG THANK YOU to customers, we have served! Because of you, the years have flown by! To our very loyal employees, an even bigger “THANK YOU”! Without each and every one of you, this would have not been possible! Again, thank you everyone.” The Facebook message read


What was your favorite memory or dish from the Ice Cream Palace?


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