Hola Iowa: 2016 in Pictures




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Dear readers, one more year comes to an end and on behalf of all the staff and family of Hola Iowa we wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We are grateful for your preference these two years that HolaIowa.com has been covering the events and news relevant to the Latino communities of Iowa and look forward to the year 2017 to bring you once again the news and happenings in the Hispanic community of the entire state of Iowa whether through our website, Facebook, newspaper or the community events we organize.


Now more than ever is when the Iowa Latino communities must be united to raise our voice on issues of importance to our community. Together we rise, divided we don’t.

We prepared this special “2016 in pictures” edition of some of the events and people we have featured this past year. Please enjoy.
Tarsicio Macias
HolaIowa.com and
Hola America Media Group

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