As a new year is upon us, resolutions were made to be more relaxed, take care of ourselves and maybe try something new and interesting. Molly Price, owner of Float Quad Cities, can help you check off all three of those things in just one hour. “I thought the Quad Cities would be a great place for this because we have more healthy food places, yoga and alternative healing places opening,” said Price. “So I figured people would really like this.”
After having an open house last week, Float Quad Cities officially opens on January 27th and if the schedule being already full for its first weekend is any indication of its success, Price is already looking towards the future. “People are really excited for this,” said Price. “I’d like to eventually expand.”
So what exactly is float therapy? Float therapy has been around since the 1950s. Studies have shown that floating can reduce cortisol stress levels and may be able to reduce anxiety and PTSD in some people. Being a first time floater myself, I opted for no light and no sound, but with the click of a button, both can be turned back on whenever you want. “No light and no sound are the things that really help your brain shut down and give it a break,” explained Price. “People have been saying that floating with sound or light on didn’t feel as rested or they were a little distracted at times, but those things are there for people to get used to floating and hopefully they come back and eventually get down to that.”
Having practiced meditation for a few years now and also weekly yoga classes, I felt like I would be prepared more than most for my first float. I can honestly say that floating was a completely new experience for me. And with ear plugs in to block out any sound, you begin to appreciate the sound of your breathing with one more added bonus. “People are surprised when they find out you can hear your heart beat,” said Price.
It’s very rare that we take a few minutes for ourselves during the day, let alone a full hour. Quality of life might improve quickly for ourselves if we could find that time. Float Quad Cities give you a space to do just that by combining all the best elements of a pool, a massage and deep breathing by putting it all in one comfy and cozy nook. “I’m in this to help people,” said Price. “I want to get as many people in here and hopefully get them coming back.”
For more information or to book your first float, visit www.floatQC.com or call 309-517-3426. Float Quad Cities is located at 911 16th Avenue in Moline, IL.