Fruit and Vegetable Guide


aguas-frescasAs we all know, home keepers come up with the most ingenious ways to stretch out every dollar on weekly expenses, and because the economy tends to elevate, we’re going to give you a tip in order for you to always have at your table the necessary fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. Did you know it is much cheaper to buy fruits and vegetables that are in season than any other time? Due to the fact that its harvest season, where they’re grown makes a big difference as well. The following fruits and vegetables are harvested in the month of April; watermelon, oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, papaya, bananas, melon, mamey, pineapple, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes and beets. The month of April would be a perfect time to make a delicious fruit drink.


2 ½ liters of water
½ medium sized, grinded beet
2 or 3 oranges cut into thin slices with the peel
½ a lettuce cut thinly
2 bananas cut into slices
Add sugar to your taste
Wash all fruits. Add beets and sugar to water. Mix in the rest of the fruits and enjoy! If you wish, you can add more fruit to your drink. Refrigerate or add ice for a more refreshing drink.

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