A free vision and hearing screening for children aged four months to three years old is scheduled for Thursday April 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 412 10th Street, Moline, Ill.
The people doing the screening are certified in the respective field by the state and have all the proper credentials to test the children. No questions are asked about immigration status and only a permission slip needs to be filled out.
The screenings are designed to avoid complications. A lot of Latinos are underinsured and this is a great opportunity for every child to receive a free screening.
Xochitl Herrera and Lisa Viaene are working with Child and Family Connections and they said that most children, 70% to be exact do not get referrals after the screening. The screening is intended to be better safe than sorry. Both said that for those children that have hearing, vision, or any sort of problem, they are happy to help out and will not leave the family hanging.
“It can be difficult to find out that your child has a problem, but improvements are attainable,” Xochitl Herrera said.
Amelia Orihuela, a parent whose child was screened said that she was impressed by the program for many reasons.
“First of all, the therapies all took place in my home where my son was more comfortable.” Amelia Orihuela said. “My son looked forward to the weekly visits when ‘play therapy’ helped my son speak. I’m glad the services are offered to children who are younger than three years old because the therapists helped my son with his shyness and his speech delay, he is now prepared for pre-school and can now communicate his needs much better.”
Lisa Viaene knows what it’s like to be a parent on the other side of the issue. She was told that her daughter would be blind and that her son would be deaf to certain pitches.
“I’ve live through that,” Viane said. “I feel compassion because of what I have lived. I wish they’d of had those screenings way back when.”
Adriana Martinez has two words to describe the Early Intervention program, “Magnificent and Incredible.” Martinez said. “My son had trouble speaking and had some other challenge that the therapist helped in, helping him overcome [it] along with the help of our entire family. The therapists were so professional and showed so much compassion. I am so grateful for a program that is so thorough and organized. My son is so happy!” She said.
The next issue of Hola America will feature the second part of why it’s so important to have your children screened.