The former mayor of N.Y. Rudy Giuliani and former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney, have made it official that they are seeking the Republican nomination for president. Ariz. Sen. John McCain has not made his intentions official but is expected to run. Giuliani and Romney join a field of Republicans that includes Sen. Sam Brownback of Kan., former president of Cook County Republicans John Cox, and Calif. Rep. Duncan Hunter.
Rudy Giuliani is very popular in the mainstream even earning the title as America’s mayor after Sept. 11, 2001. But can he be popular enough for the republican nomination of the presidency? Giuliani was TIME Magazine’s man of the year in 2001 and he is hoping his views on cutting taxes, fighting crime, and improving education can get him the presidency.
Mitt Romney is staying with President Bush, saying that we need to defeat the jihadists. He wants to compete with Asia in business and extend health care coverage through market reforms. Mitt Romney also has a website in Spanish at The Spanish website is something that only N.M. Governor Bill Richardson has done so far to appeal to the Latino community for the presidential election.
The Latino vote is big for both Republicans and Democrats in winning the 2008 elections, we will see if any other candidates from both parties have websites and information in Spanish.