Conference Focuses on Latino Communities in Iowa


 The Ninth Annual Strengthening and Valuing Latino/a Communities in Iowa conference will be held November 2-3, 2007 inconferencia_latina_2 Marshalltown, Iowa at the Iowa Valley Continuing Education/Marshalltown Community College. 


The conference is coordinated by a statewide volunteer planning committee and The University of Iowa School of Social Work.   It is made possible through the generous support of numerous sponsors and many other local and state organizations.  This year’s conference theme is “Cultivating Community Strengths: (In)migration, Empowerment, and Alliances.”  


The main conference will be held November 3, 2007 at Iowa Valley Continuing Education.  In addition, a pre-conference Professional Development Training Institute, geared primarily to professionals in education, social services, community development and advocacy, will be held on November 2, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the same location.



The Professional Development Training Institute will include three tracks:  Immigration, Cultural Competency, Community Organizing.  A Latino Youth Leadership Summit will also take place on November 2 at Iowa Valley Continuing Education.  The Youth Summit features workshops and cultural programs designed for junior and senior high school students. 


The Strengthening and Valuing Latino/a Communities in Iowa conference is an opportunity to explore the changing demographics and dynamics of Latina/o communities in Iowa, as well as, the responsiveness of policy makers, business leaders and community-based organizations to the fastest growing population in Iowa. 


The conference has grown to be a cherished gathering of Latinos and non-Latinos as a place to emphasize culture as a strength and  provide networking opportunities for Latino/a  leaders who live and work in Iowa. The Saturday Conference will feature a keynote address by Roberto Dansie, PhD.  Dr. Dansie is a widely acclaimed educator and speaker, and Founder and Executive Director of Cultural Wisdom. 



Dr. Dansie has received numerous awards for his work, including the 2005 Humanitarian of the Year from the International Center For Psychosocial Trauma at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine, the National Award for Community Development, the prestigious Golden Medallion from the National Indian Health Board for his contributions in Indian Health, The Cesar Chavez Award, and the Federal Award from the Administration On Aging.


The Surgeon General of the United States has commended Dr. Dansie for “being a dedicated foot soldier for the health of the nation.”  In addition to Dr. Dansie’s keynote address and workshop, conference participants can chose from numerous additional workshops (many in Spanish) on topics such as creating welcoming communities, civic participation, immigrant rights, health, leadership development, civil rights, and economic development. 



For additional information and registration, please see the Iowa Latino Conference Website: or contact, David Marxuach, 319-335-4475, or via email at:  [email protected].

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