Community organizations collaborate to carry out successful vaccine clinic for the Latino community in Des Moines


Knock and Drop and Latinx Immigrants of Iowa in collaboration with Hy-vee organized a successful Covid-19 Vaccine clinic for the Des Moines Latino community this afternoon.

Zuly García, the founder of Knock and Drop, said 300 people attended this afternoon and there will be appointments available for 450 more people on Wednesday, May 5.

“Our goal was to make only 200 appointments but people kept asking and asking and we are going to serve 300 people today,” Ms. Garcia told us.


“On Wednesday we have 450 appointments available, 250 in the morning and 200 more in the afternoon,” she added.

Ms. García credits the success of this clinic to the relationship the organization has created with the Latino community.

“We reached out to the heart of our community that knows that we are here to help them and when they invited me to do this I said to myself why not, I already have a space and we have to open it up for positive things” Mrs. García shared.


The organizers plan another round of the first dose of the vaccine next Wednesday, May 5, in the same place.

And the scheduled dates for the second dose are May 19 and 26.

To make an appointment send the text message “vacuna” to 515-443-6349 or you can call 515-421-6773 from 5 to 9pm. Do not miss this opportunity.

Zuly Garcia would like to thank Latinx Immigrants of Iowa and Hy-vee for the great collaboration and Des Moines Metro Credit Union for the great support today.


Photos by Tar Macias / Hola Iowa

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